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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Writing: Award Winner!

I have won my first award! The Versatile Blogger Award. Oh yeah, Oh yeah. And my synopsis for People of the Lie just won second place in the MERWA contest!!

One of my favorite bloggers tagged me for this. I'm so honored, because I adore this writer - solely from her blogs. Haven't picked up her books yet, but am intrigued by those published by Siren publishing: Captured, Daughters of Persephone, and All Four One. Her name is Julia Rachel Barrett.

From what I can figure out, the history of this award is as follows: BLHMistress over at Book Lover’s Hideaway awarded it to The Creative Well who awarded it to Sugar Beats Books who in turn awarded it to Julia Rachel Barrett. Thanks Julia for awarding it to me!

As a 'taggie' I must do the following:
1) Share 7 things about myself. (LOL)
2) Pass this award on to 15 other bloggers recently discovered. (cool)
3) Notifiy the recipients. (You know who you are)
4) Link the blogger who gave this award. (see shout-out above!)

Here're seven things about myself that I don't advertise to everyone (Oops!):
1. Now that I am a scientist, I hardly ever read science fiction (gotta change that!).
2. One of my favorite bucket-list things was going to fashion week in New York with my sister (the fashion reporter), and pretending to be a journalist so as to see the fashions.
3. Another one of my favorite bucket-list things was going to Centre Court Wimbledon.
4. I am a huge Jane Austen geek.
5. One of my favorite movies is Bambi II (because Patrick Stewart is the Great Prince!).
6. I never listen to my own voice on the voice-mail nor watch myself if I'm on TV.
7. My biggest high in this life (besides being a scientist) is galloping a horse through the forest and taking jumps.

Now for the 15. Fifteen is a lot, but believe it or not, I've gotten familiar with the blog-o-sphere, and some of these spots are fast becoming my favorites!

  • Preternatura! (Suzanne Johnson)
  • One Writer's Way (Beth Rissel)
  • Writerly So (Deanna Cameron)
  • Planet Furaha (speculative biology) (Gert van Dijk)
  • Paranormality (Lynda Hilburn)
  • Rosalie Lario (Rosalie Lario)
  • Suzanne Lazear (Suzanne Lazear)
  • Around the Writer's Block (Nina Pierce)
  • The Steampunk Writers Guild (Lia Keyes)
  • Reading the Past (Sarah Johnson)
  • Silver Goggles
  • Archeologist's Guide to the Galaxy

    1. Me? Really? Wow! Thanks a Million. Now, I have to post it up.

    2. Thank you so much for the super award!!! Made my day! :)
